Social Anxiety Disorder - Social Phobia Is there a Cure for Social Phobia?

Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia is the most common form of anxiety disorder. Research has shown that it affects around 13 to 14% of the population at some time in their lives.

It can affect anyone, from shop assistant to celebrity. Household names such as Stephen Fry and American entertainers such as Tom Hanks, Donny Osmond, Barbara Streisand and Kim Basinger have all spoken to the media of their experience of—and eventual recovery from—social anxiety, though few have actually disclosed how this was accomplished.

What more and more people are discovering is that the right kind of hypnotherapy can help enormously when dealing with social phobia.

As a qualified therapist myself, I found your techniques both dynamic and caring. Thank you for all the help you have given me and my son T.
We both feel like new people...
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What Is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety disorder has been called 'the least understood anxiety disorder'. It has also been called 'acute shyness'. Essentially, social phobia can be defined as the fear of interacting with other people and being judged negatively by them.

hypnotherapy for social anxiety
This fear produces acute self-consciousness, feelings of embarrassment and inadequacy. Because of this, the person experiencing social anxiety disorder very often adopts an avoidance strategy, making them withdraw from mixing or speaking with others in a work or social setting. This simply complicates matters, making that which we fear even more fearful.

Social anxiety disorder can be either general or specific.

Some of the most common forms of specific social anxiety and social phobia are: fear of interacting with others; fear of groups or gatherings; fear of speaking in front of others; fear of giving presentations or talks; fear of dealing with authority figures; fear of exams and tests; fear of using public toilets, fear regarding sexual performance; fear of performing on stage.

Those experiencing a generalised social anxiety become anxious and unfomfortable in most situations of a social nature, fearing public, professional or social encounters.

What Causes Social Anxiety?The Origin of Social Phobia

hypnotherapy for social anxiety
The driver behind social anxiety disorder or social phobia is the fear of being negatively evaluated and judged by others; of not knowing what to say or do when with or in front of others; of saying the wrong thing or not being able to express yourself adequately; or of making a fool of yourself in front of others. Above all, it is the feeling of not being safe.

This can make you reluctant to do anything that might embarrass yourself in public, leading to an avoidance strategy—you try your hardest to avoid any situation where this might happen.

Social anxiety most often has its origins in childhood or adolescence and according to the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), around 40% of all social phobias begin before the age of 10 and 95% before the age of 20, although for some they may not become acutely apparent until later in life.

Consequences of Social Anxiety Disorder

The consequences of social anxiety disorder or social phobia can be devastating, with the WPA estimating that, compared to the general population, sufferers are more likely to be single, attain lower levels of education, have other conditions such as depression, contemplate suicide, abuse drugs and/or alcohol, have fewer friends and acquaintances, and have an erratic work history such as being repeatedly fired and often absent from or late to work.

social anxiety disorder
The effect of social phobia or social anxiety can range from simple inconvenience to having a devastating and enormously negative effect on the person's life.

The good news is that there is no real need to continue suffering from this intensely painful condition. You can learn how to beat social anxiety, and social anxiety support is available. With CHI-HypnoTherapy™ your social phobia really can be eliminated.

Do I Have Social Anxiety?What Are Social Anxiety Symptoms

Social anxiety symptoms may include heart pounding, sweaty palms or face, blushing, trembling, a dry mouth, difficulty in breathing or speaking clearly and a twitchy feeling in the muscles.

If you have these feelings on a regular basis when with others, then you probably don't need to answer the question 'do I have social anxiety?' – you know you have!

If you experience feelings of awkwardness, considerable stress and anxiety in the any of the following situations then the chances are you have a social anxiety disorder:
  • When mixing socially, especially with strangers
  • When in a group
  • When meeting new people
  • When it's your turn to speak at a meeting or in a presentation
  • Meeting with authority figures
  • Being watched or observed while doing something
  • Becoming the centre of attention
  • Inability to form close relationships – romantic or social

Hypnotherapy Help with Social Anxiety

I entered into sessions a sceptic, hypnotism was something I'd only seen as after dinner entertainment and was not convinced that it could help me. I was desperate when I contacted you. With your guidance, I've changed my life...
- S.R. Wolverhampton

If you suffer from any form of social anxiety or social phobia, then advanced modern CHI-HypnoTherapy™ can turn things around and free you to feel relaxed and confident when with other people. With this advanced therapy you can rapidly beat social anxiety or social phobia once and for all.

Birmingham hypnotherapy social anxiety treatment is just a phone call away.

We can help you resolve even the most long-standing social phobia or social anxiety disorder—and in far less time than you might think.

Call now on 0121 449 0659 and get the help you need.

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